Groundwater Hydrology Consultants

Environmental consultants sometimes need to understand and predict the pattern and behavior of groundwater systems.
In Layman’s Terms
What’s Groundwater Anyway?
Groundwater is defined in the dictionary as "water held underground saturating the soil or crevices and pores in rock". The top of the saturated zone is called the water table. The groundwater system, also known as an aquifer, is interconnected with aboveground springs, lakes, ponds, streams and creeks.
The conductivity of the fractured rock and/or saturated soil measures the ease of which the groundwater flows. Since water flows downhill, the rate and direction of groundwater flow can be determined by using conductivity, elevation and the gradient (slope) of the water table. Groundwater can be the primary source of recharge to lakes, ponds and streams, but may also transport pollutants to nearby sites. Monitoring wells can help in determining aquifer properties so that calculations related to how an aquifer will react to pumping, drainage or contaminant transport can be conducted.
- Stream-Aquifer Interaction
- Well Hydraulics
- Interference Effects
- Localized Infiltration
- Contaminant Transport
Reliable predictions cannot always be made, usually because of insufficient subsurface data. Despite the limitations, there are scenarios where predictions are useful. The key is to understand how the uncertainties relate to the result, and to choose a predictive tool that is appropriate to the situation.
Groundwater Hydrologist Services
Hyde staff are experienced with the two essential phases needed for successful predictions: obtaining meaningful data and using appropriate predictive tools. We have conducted pumping tests on high-capacity wells to determine such parameters as the transmissivity, storativity, and anisotropy. We are also well-versed in the use of analytical and numerical models to evaluate each of the systems listed above. In addition to being a primary consultant for these services, Hyde has served as a subcontractor for other engineering and consulting firms that need assistance with these specialized tasks.
Monitoring Wells and Contaminant Transport
In most cases, monitoring wells are used to identify and monitor the spread of contaminants dissolved in groundwater. Contamination sources can include leaking tanks, pipes and spills of any hazardous material. Unfortunately, given the appropriate site conditions, contaminants can migrate to groundwater and be transported away from the source area by groundwater. State and federal regulations govern the rules of how measurements must be conducted. If needed, experienced and reliable contractors assist Hyde in installing monitoring wells that meet regulatory requirements. As an experienced environmental consultant, Hyde will define and conduct the necessary testing.
Two of the oldest groundwater pollution remediation techniques are excavation and containment with physical barriers (liners, caps, and cutoff walls). Soil vapor extraction and bioremediation (with microorganisms) are more modern methodologies. In any case, choosing the solution to permanently resolve contamination should factor in cost and speed. Hyde will perform the necessary calculations to help you choose the most effective path to closure.
Environmental Consulting Firm
We have been providing environmental site assessments and investigations since 1996. Hyde Environmental specializes in conducting Phase 1 & 2 investigations and remediation services. The Hyde Environmental staff consists of:

Environmental assessment experts monitor groundwater contamination and help restore wetland areas.
- Environmental Professionals
- Licensed Geologists (PG) and Hydrologists (PH)
- Certified Hazardous Material Managers (CHMM)
- Certified Wetland Specialists
We consistently complete each project to State, Federal and/or ASTM standards, using advanced equipment to sample soil, water, vapor and/or other media of concern. During every environmental site assessment, we create clear, defined remediation plans with an end goal in mind. From environmental audits to PECFA or ACCP programs, choose Hyde Environmental as your consultants.