Environmental Site Investigations

The primary purpose for conducting an environmental site investigation is to determine the degree and extent of known contaminated media in order to provide defensible evidence that the environmental or human health risk pathway is not a concern; or in the event that the pathway is a concern, provide enough data to prepare an applicable remediation strategy.
In most instances, site investigation incidences are regulated and overseen by a regulatory agency, like the local State regulatory agency or a Federal agency such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Many regulatory agencies throughout the Midwest, and the country, typically require site investigation on potential exposure pathways, including:
Hyde Environmental’s team of experienced environmental professionals has conducted numerous site investigations related to releases of agricultural chemicals, fertilizers, petroleum compounds (gasoline, diesel, fuel oils, waste oils and hydraulic fluid), chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOC) and metals. We also specialize in contaminants due to improper waste disposal at landfills. PFAS are some of the most common adverse human-made chemicals because they are found in many consumer products dating back to the 1950s.